Final Score

Dave has $3,001.25

Mike has $3,198.11

General Rules

Each brother starts out with $1,000 fake dollars.
Each brother must bet $300 of those dollars before 5/13. (10 bets minimum)
$100 will be given for each successful 2nd round playoff series pick and another $100 will be given if the amounts of games the series goes is picked correctly.
Athletic competitions and other bets will continue from 5/13 - 5/22. The brother with the most money at the end wins.

10% of the money placed on each bet will be automatically added back to the better's score to encourage extra betting.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Mike Early Bets

Mike takes Cavs over Celtics in 7
Mike takes Spurs over Suns in 6


  1. You should be ashamed. According to that picture there was a point where we both were at the "Goosebumps" reading level.

  2. Additional question: Was that photo staged or was there a point in our lives when we would share a chair to read?
